Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Peace talks in Kabul?

Expecting a light day because of the peace "jirga" ( جرګه ) . It means assembly or council. All of the cadets are out of class the next two days so they can attend. Not holding my breath for any great accomplishments. The link above holds a grim view of the likely outcome. Enough of that. It is the Afghans' process to worry about. We'll just sit and watch this one.


I have about one more week here in Kabul at the Military Academy, then I head to my real job, working and interacting daily with Afghans to solve problems. For the last four weeks I have been under the impression that my real job meant Kandahar, but I am uncertain today. Whatever and wherever, I will keep blogging about what I see and do. I just hope to make a difference.


Thanks to my clan for making my anniversary and father's day special! A baseball-themed care package with new baseball glove and conditioner to break it in. You guys are so cool! Wish I was there to let you know what you mean to me!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! When was yours? Gina and mine was today (2 June). 19 years. We've been married so long I don't even look both ways before I cross the street anymore ...

  2. Happy Anniversary, Jeff! First a birthday, now this. I could have taken you to eat Thai and had some candles if I would have known!!

    Kay and I celebrate 24 on flag day (the 14th). Seems like yesterday.

    I hope your new roommate at least tucks you in tonight!
