Sunday, June 6, 2010

New chapter

Today marks one month in theater...exactly! Not that I am counting. Ha! Now it is time to go to work. Next Sunday I head south to Kandahar. The biggest difference right away will be the weather...

Just to give you an idea ~ Tomorrow in Kabul, the high will be 75 degrees. In Kandahar, it will be 97 degrees. It will climb to 105 by the time I arrive, with no looking back. I told someone tonight that I was going to drop my winter weight with no problem!

My job? I don't know details, but I will be working with the Afghan National Police (ANP) in a mentorship role, coordinating between the Coalition general in RC(S) and the Afghan Army general in charge of the entire southern region. The U.S. military has shown great progress building and mentoring the ANA (Army), but the police is a new mission taken back from Dept. of State. This is another step in getting the Afghan people to fend for themselves. They must begin securing the local populace!

A major complication in building a police force is the rampant corruption that exists throughout the existing police force. See link for a sobering look at how it plays out day to day.

Well, I have some work to do before I leave lovely Kabul, so I better get some shuteye. Feel free to post questions about different topics you are interested in, and I will try to include a post with helpful details.


  1. Russell, As always, Great Blog! I do have one question that you may not want to answer in your blog. However, I need to ask it, because I know it is on everyones mind, but noone really wants the answer. So here goes....
    Who is actually running that popsicle stand?
    Never mind. Don't answer, I am sure we all know who the mastermind(?) is. Keep up the good work, the great blog, and keep your head down.

  2. I wish it was a popsickle stand. Might be more profitable this summer!
