روز معلم (Pronounced "roz malim) They do it right here! They took the entire day to make it special. Food, colorful dress and decoration, singing and speeches filled the morning. For all the teachers back home reading this, I salute you! Sorry I missed the opportunity before I left home.
We went in convoy with ANA security vehicles and arrived early during the morning session of school. Three hours in the morning for girls, three hours in the afternoon for boys. There is not enough money, facilities and teachers for an all-day program. After the Russians pulled out in 1989, the ensuing years of civil war and Taliban rule destroyed what progress had been made to develop a modern educational system. An entire generation with little education and little production of those qualified to teach have made this one of the most under developed countries in the region. Literacy rate is only 28%...I pray we can make a difference.
Today's ceremony was to honor the teachers at this local school in Kabul, but I can also take a minute to thank LtCol Larry Walker. His efforts to collect monies to pay for playground equipment and books for this school was an extraordinary blessing for this small village of families. Mabarksha! (Congratulations)...Thanks, Larry, for going the extra mile and being a model of charity to those in need.
Things that make you go, Hmmmm...hope lies in Christ alone, but a good education is definitely a runner up! Sad to hear about the bleak outlook for these kids...I will be praying for them and their teachers...anything I can do from here? I offer tutoring you know! :) Praying for you too.