Friday, May 21, 2010

1st crack at blogging

Today is Jumah ( جمعه ), the Pashto word for Friday. It's the only day off in these parts and I have taken it every bit of it. After chatting with the family and a close friend on Skype, I enjoyed some yoga (ok, weird, but it still hurt), a short run, a free lunch (well, I didn't pay), then a massage for 26 bucks...somebody got ripped off, but it wasn't me! So, that brings me to this point...what to type, what to say...well, here goes ~

This blog site name "pashtoninja" was joked about back in language school by the guys, so I thought I would bring it back out. Catchy and easy to remember. Of course, with "bookmarks" it doesn't matter much. Behind the name will just be me, same dry guy that you all know.

I have been assigned to the National Military Academy of Afghanistan (NMAA) in Kabul for a short time. The idea is for me to get a chance to "immerse" in the culture and language of Afghanistan before I go to my real job. Jury still out on whether that will provide the results that the commander is looking for. I will give it my best shot to learn some more of the language and learn more about these fascinating people called Afghans.

The academy is a great project to develop the Afghan National Army (ANA) officer corps, modeling it after West Point Military Academy in the U.S. I am impressed by the great effort by the Army and other service mentor officers that have joined in the project.

Well, enough of that. I will fill you in on the 2.5 weeks I have been in country, but I feel a pizza coming on!


  1. 'bout time you started bloggin!

  2. Wooter, your the king of it...give me some tips to make this experience come to life!
