Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's the little things...

I have taken them all for granted. The ability to go down to Five Guys and enjoy a heart attack in a bag with Kay and the boys is just simple pleasure. Just a reminder to enjoy what you have before you. Don't save it for a rainy day when it's pouring outside, and don't ruin today thinking about how good it will be tomorrow.

Kay tried to bring a little home to Afghanistan by sending me an "Everybody Loves Raymond" DVD set. I usually get about 30-45 minutes worth around midnight when I am bedding down. It reminds me of my life so much...I guess that's why we watch it.

Speaking of the little things taken for granted...a quote from the episode I watched last night went like this. When Ray was asked what it was like with 3 kids under the age of 5, he replied, "It's like a frat house. Nobody sleeps, everything is broken and there's vomit everywhere."

I miss the action!

Keep rowing hard, Kay!! I'll be back soon.

1 comment:

  1. We miss you being right in the middle of the action!! We love you!!
