"There is no difficulty to him that Wills" -Haines Family Crest, Plymouth 1620
Jason Haines, a shipmate here in Afghanistan, shared an email with me that I thought appropriate for my friends and family as I sit here in Kabul in my cozy "dorm" room on my secure compound. It was about one of his family member's that epitomizes the word hero.
When you think you have it bad, Moses, take a look at the real generation that is leaving us at a rapid rate. According to a Cheshire Herald article, World War II ended almost 70 years ago, and veterans from what has become commonly called “the greatest generation” are dying off each year. An estimate produced by the Department of Veteran's Affairs in 2009 revealed that as many as 1,100 veterans may be dying per day. Jason's grandpa fought in the Pacific after he joined to Navy in December 1941. He was underway heading west by 11 January and would not finish his first cruise until 10 March...no, not two months...it was finished in 1943. Look at this picture of his ship to get a small sense of what he endured. This is the USS Minneapolis after the battle at Tassafaronga. Read about it here. After heading back to Hawaii, and six months pier side, he headed back out again for his 2nd cruise.
Oh to have men like that in this generation. I must say we are soft. I pray it is not because we do not value the freedoms they valued and determined to fight for...just that the good life God has given us has made us soft. We complain about 3 days of rain, the chicken was too dry in the chow hall, and the coffee was not fresh when we sat down for that piece of pecan pie.
The next time you are walking down the mall and you see one of those old guys with the blue hats that declares he is a veteran of a war gone by, stop and talk to him...tell him thank you. I guess all I am trying to say is, if you think you got it bad, think again.
It's all relative, my friends. As for me and my lot in life, this ain't "nothing but a thing!"
36 He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
No doubt Jesus had a great love for children. Ar passage in Matthew describes the scene like this:
13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. 14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.
Last week my friend, Sayeed Naseer, a Major in the Afghan National Army came to lunch. As a bonus, just for me, he brought his youngest daughter, an eleven year old princess named Satera (accent on the last "a"). It means "star" and fits her perfectly.
I am surrounded by kids in this city. They are out of school for the three months of winter instead of summer, but they desperately need to be there all year long. An entire generation of school-less Afghans are looking for a way to get by. They pick through garbage on the roadside in hopes to find something of value or even to eat. The sell trinkets and scarfs when mine are playing Xbox & PlayStation or enjoying a afternoon Blizzard from DQ.
Not sure what I can do. There is so much potential in them...so many future stars. Go find a "star" today...yours or someone else's. Hug them and pour into their lives just a little bit of wisdom and compassion. You never know what they will become.